Download Milestones Checklist (PDF)
Preschool lane is one of the most delightful years of life in childcare for teachers, parents, and children. Preschool lane’s focus is preparing for kindergarten with a school readiness approach. Our innovative curriculum creates an atmosphere for structure, independence, social skills, solving skills, and friendly learning environment. Our goal is for them to create and learn, sense of self, social behavior, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving, logical thinking, listening, and speaking skills, and reading and writing skills. Preschool children can choose centers they want to explore, discover, or imagine in. Teachers use observation and open-ended conversations to make sure children are not only having fun and engaging but growing.
Little Village Home Child Care is Level 4 Paths to Quality, which allows us to incorporate Indiana On My Way PreK Program. On My Way PreK provides grants for 4-year-olds from low-income families, so they may have access to high-quality pre-k programs the year before they begin kindergarten.
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